The OSSCAR (Open Software Services for Classrooms and Research) platform is a collaborative environment targeted at enhancing awareness and adoption of best practises in Open Science and computational thinking, focusing on education and research.
OSSCAR develops original educational content such as the pedagogical web application demonstrated in the animation below. This content is offered by exploiting the infrastructural resources developed for Materials Cloud, and disseminated widely through the CECAM network and beyond.

Browse OSSCAR-developed applications for courses in quantum mechanics and computational materials science.
How to develop interactive web applications with Jupyter notebooks using OSSCAR technologies and a collection of widgets and extensions for use in the applications.
Check out all (open-source!) code developed by OSSCAR (courses, widgets, …) and learn how to contribute to the project.
Information about the OSSCAR project.
OSSCAR is a project funded by the EPFL Open Science Fund and is developed in collaboration between CECAM and NCCR MARVEL.
How to cite#
If you use OSSCAR notebooks or technology, we would appreciate if you could cite the following paper:
For the notebooks and the project#
For the widgets and extensions#